Analyst's Disclosure: These results were summarized using an A.I tool.
Strong Revenue Growth: Group insurance revenue increased by 12% to R52.317 million.
Increased Dividend: The ordinary dividend per share rose by 9% to 985.00 cents.
Improved Earnings: Basic earnings per share increased by 13% to 3,356 cents.
Significant HEPS Growth: Headline earnings per share (HEPS) saw a substantial 51% increase to 3,477 cents.
Enhanced Underwriting Margin: Conventional insurance net underwriting margin improved significantly to 7.6% from 3.5% in the previous year.
Growth in Net Earned Premium: Conventional insurance net earned premium (NEP) grew by 10% to R32.2 billion.
Increased ART Profit: Alternative risk transfer (ART) profit before tax rose to R781 million.
Healthy Return on Equity: Return on shareholders' funds was a strong 31.9%.
Improved Capital Coverage: Economic capital coverage ratio increased to 166%.
Strategic Progress: The company made progress in implementing its FutureFit 2030 strategy and refreshed brand, contributing to improved profitability.