The most appropriate metric to value insurers is 'price to embedded value'. One could also consider price to book, price to earnings and dividend yield.
Thursday 05 December 2024 (Time: 10h52)
The most appropriate metric to value insurers is 'price to embedded value'.
One could also consider price to book, price to earnings and dividend yield.
Relative to it's peer group OMU is trading at a discount.
OMU Price to Book Value (1.01x) vs SLM at 2.02x and MTM at 1.46x
OMU Price to Earnings Ratio (6.5x) vs SLM at 11.9x and MTM at 10.3x
OMU Dividend Yield (6.3%) vs SLM at 4.4x and MTM at 4.05x
OMU has previously been discussed in the following posts:
Lester Davids
Analyst: Unum Capital