Trade JSE Shares with Unum Capital.
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Technology + Proprietary Insights has helped to develop automated tools and strategies that are used to identify potential trading opportunities as well as highlight potentially significant technical developments across various time frames. This page highlights readings from the analyst's Tactical Trading Guide (Price Action Tool). The tool provides automated price analysis of over 90 JSE-listed equities across 17 sectors and across 3 time frames: short (short term), medium (medium term) and long (long term). Readings are subject to change, based on the development of the subsequent price action.
You may be asking: 'Why are we looking back?'
My Answer: "To determine whether the system provided traders with the 'RIGHT SIGNAL' at the 'RIGHT TIME'.
No model or system of automation in the financial markets, anywhere in the world works 100% of the time, and neither does this one. It may however help to improve an existing process for a market participants who require timely, non-biased insights.
Below, I provide recent an ACTUAL and REAL-TIME example of the readings (Northam Platinum), all of which are time-stamped as proof.
Northam Platinum Opportunity Number 1
Friday 13 December (just before it started to form a base).
Model Reading "Reward-To-Risk Becoming Attractive For Small Long Position"
Subsequently, a base from R96 to R100, followed by a rally R114. Below is the time-stamped reading.

Marked number 1 on the chart

Northam Platinum Opportunity Number 2
Thursday 24 October (just before it started to peak).
Model Reading "Extremely Overbought..."
Subsequently, it peaked around R145, followed by a rapid decline to below R100. Below is the time-stamped reading.

Marked number 2 on the chart

Northam Platinum Opportunity Number 3
Monday 09 September (just before it developed a bullish reverse).
Model Reading "Has been sold aggressively. Look for a continued decline before a minor rebound..."
Subsequently, the share printed two doji candles (not a major decline from the reading), then rallied from R90 to R145. Below is the time-stamped reading.

Marked number 3 on the chart

Other real-time examples include:
Gold Shares:

Lester Davids
Analyst: Unum Capital